Team Prize |
Aero Team Prize Details in supps |
Thunderbird is a winter driving adventure, round 1 of the
2016 BC TSD Rally Championship. The rally follows the current
BC Rally Regulations, which are posted on http://www.rallybc.com.
The rally runs on straight-forward instructions. In addition
to the route instructions, maps will be provided. The rally
will be about 800km long, entirely within the province
of BC, and will start with an odometer check section of
about 15km. Roads will be about 40% clear pavement, 60%
snow-covered pavement and gravel. Instructions are provided
in both km and miles, but the official measurements and
calculations are based on the km figures. |
Officials of the Event |
Route Master: |
Paul Westwick |
(paul@rallybc.com) |
(604) 617 4132 |
Co-Organizer: |
Registrar: |
Tony Latham |
(tony@rallybc.com) |
(604) 537 6760 |
Steward: |
Sunday January 31:
Close of early entries. Preliminary start order assigned. Those
who pay after this date will be assigned at the back of the field.
Friday February 5:
7:00-9:00pm Registration & Technical inspection, at rally HQ
in Merritt.
8:30-10:00pm Optional novice training session at rally HQ (Comfort
Inn) in Merritt. This will be a classroom session, based on the
WCRA novice rally course. If you wish to attend, please contact
Paul (paul@rallybc.com) to confirm a spot.
9:00pm Final start order posted, based on current paid entries.
Any entries received after this time, or without payment yet confirmed,
will start at the end of the field. |
Saturday February 6:
7:30-9:30am Late Registration & Breakfast, rally HQ, Merritt.
7:30-9:30am Technical inspection, rally HQ, Merritt.
10:00am Novice drivers' meeting
10:30am Drivers' meeting
11:01am First car out
8:30pm End of day 1, Dinner & Scoring, Vernon |
Sunday February 7:
8:00am No drivers' meeting for day 2, but if there any notes, they
will be posted in the hotel lobby by this time.
8:30am First car out
3:30pm End of day 2, Boston Pizza, Merritt, Dinner, Scoring & Awards
presentation (start making up your stories) |
We have arranged hotel group rates as follows:
Merritt (Friday Night and/or Sunday Night):
Quality Inn (rally HQ): 1-800-663-2830. 2 Queens: $88 + tax, 1
Queen: $85 + tax, just mention the Thunderbird Rally. Continental
breakfast included.
Alternate/Overflow: Ramada Inn: 1-800-353-3571 or 1-250-378-3567.
Call for rate, and please mention the Thunderbird Rally.
Vernon (Saturday Night):
Village Green Hotel: 1-800-663-4433. Double occupancy: $79 + taxes,
just mention “Thunderbird Rally Group”. The block will
be held until January 22, so please book early to avoid disappointment! |
Useful Links: |
Special thanks to the following
supporters of rallying in BC: |
images are © RallyBC.com and the author.
Any other use without permission is in violation
of copyright laws.
Feel free to view these pictures, or download
for personal use only. |